Mobile Application Development Lifecycle: 5 Key Phases

If you want to make an Android app then Java might be the best choice. A recent survey found that 69.7% of developers use JavaScript, making it the most common language. The second most used language is HTML/CSS, with 62.4% of respondents claiming to use it when coding.

  • For companies interested in enterprise mobile application development, mobile solutions typically support users with different roles and privileges.
  • In the alpha phase, the core functionality is present but not tested.
  • All the currently available applications have undergone these processes to certify as the best application for people to use.
  • Let’s look through them to find out how to make an app that makes a difference.
  • For example, iOS provides the Keychain feature that can be used for storing a user’s account details for a specific app.

Simple software with minimal functionality should be simple and inexpensive to create. These solutions contain elements of both — platform-specific apps and web applications. They allow developers to write the application code with standard web technologies and execute within a native shell.

Quality Assurance Phase

The application development lifecycle doesn’t end, as maintenance is a continuous procedure. Maintenance includes frequent testing of the application, analyzing its performance, and pushing relevant updates. Primarily, apps receive security updates to comply with industry and government regulations. Mobile app development platforms will allow you to do more than develop an app. However, they also allow you to test, optimize, debug, and manage your app after its release. The sort of app you’re creating and the complexity of its features have a significant influence on the app development timeframe and budget.

Millions of mobile phones come pre-infected with malware, say researchers – The Register

Millions of mobile phones come pre-infected with malware, say researchers.

Posted: Thu, 11 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Agile methodology states that you should deliver a product’s value in stages. Compared to the waterfall model, where each step is followed one by one without any overlap, the agile model encourages and expects phases to overlap. Once the development team builds the necessary features, the application is ready for testing. At this point, the team sets up one or more environments to reflect the production version of the app so that they can test its functionality . The discovery phase is the most important phase of the life cycle since it sets the requirements for what to build.

Training for a Team

These relate to the quality of how your system performs and have a big impact on the user experience. Now is the time to get practical and identify all of the details you need before jumping into the design and development stages. By researching your competition you will be able to bypass mistakes that may already have been made within your industry. Moreover, you’ll get an idea about the current landscape of similar mobile apps and be able to determine how you can differentiate from competitors. When creating an app, the initial functionality no longer seems enough after a while.

They are web applications that use browser capabilities including working offline, running a background process, and adding a link to the device home screen. PWAs are a good option for apps that have limited functionality and require working offline. Now that you’ve read about these stages, you must have gotten a fair idea that executing the entire mobile app development lifecycle successfully isn’t a simple task. Other than the execution of these complex stages, it’s also important to note that the app market is a highly competitive environment.

Mobile App Development Lifecycle

The maintenance step should be a constant, proactive way of ensuring your app’s health and usability for as long as the app is needed. By no means is this list exhaustive, but these questions can help guide the planning process for your app. Don’t build the app just for the sake of having an app, because it’s far better to have not built at all than to build something subpar that your target audience won’t enjoy.

android mobile development life cycle

After the bugs in the beta phase are fixed, the app will move to the release candidate phase where it’s ready for release. With 2.2 million apps in the iOS App Store and 2.8 million apps in the Play Store, creating high quality apps coupled with solid marketing strategies is the only guarantee for success. At first sight, the app approving process seems comparatively easy, especially with Play Market. If submission rules are followed, the app becomes available within several hours. After submission, your iOS app will undergo a rigorous review which may take several weeks.

thoughts on “9 Important Stages of Mobile App Development Life Cycle”

It’s true that when estimating, the project timeline might seem shorter. But as a matter of fact, the project timeline usually will be longer. Unlike native development, when two developers work parallelly and independently, only one developer works on a cross-platform app.

Plus there’s no guarantee it wouldn’t feature vulnerabilities or problems that may influence project management. A PRD should include a description of the methodology, IDE, and technology infrastructure needed as part of the mobile app development process. For example, this may be either Native, Web to Native or Cross Platform Native. Making use of the MADSF model here should be helpful in assisting any choices.


A web container offers a browser runtime and a bridge for native device APIs using Apache Cordova. Hybrid mobile applications are a good option for companies that want to repurpose Android mobile development existing web applications and have a moderate budget. From working on a functional prototype and reviewing it with every step, it’s all a part of the development stage.

android mobile development life cycle

In this stage, the initial plans, designs, and lessons learned from prototyping all come together as a guidebook for creating the end product. It seems that there will be a new application that overruns our phones and computers every day. The increase we can see in the use and release of apps is not surprising with businesses wanting to get involved more in app development. This article will tell you how long it takes to build your app from planning to release.

User security and privacy

You can get away by testing your web app just on the Chrome browser in a Windows environment or using a service like BrowserStack to test across multiple browsers and different resolutions. But your mobile app must be tested on multiple mobile devices or device simulators to ensure smooth working of your app for all users. You can also leverage test farm services to test your app across multiple devices, OS versions, and simulating concurrent users. This is why most companies usually want to hire experts who can build them an app suited for their specific needs. At iTrobes, we pride ourselves in providing top-notch services to both, ios app development companies as well as android app development companies.

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