We haven’t Heard from Him. Is-it Worth Calling Him?

Reader matter:

I have been spending time with he off and on for some months. He’s got been taking a lot more initiative receive together. Final week-end we sought out to dinner, which we never proclaimed a “date,” but we finished up spending the remainder evening together.

By the end regarding the night, he began cuddling up with myself (holding arms, running fingers through locks, legs intertwined). After the evening when he moved us to my vehicle, we kissed him. You will findn’t heard from him since.

Could it possibly be worth calling him?

-Irene (Montana)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:


NO!!!! Try to let him chase you a little. I am wanting to know who was simply a lot more physically aggressive on that go out.

You probably didn’t say “the guy kissed me personally” or “We kissed.” You said you kissed him.

Could that have frightened him down?

In my opinion you will want to put reduced for some time whatever the case. Contain your self and wait observe their after that step.

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